English Breakfast SOP | Traditional British Meal

English Breakfast SOP step by step procedures adopted in serving traditional British meal that is universally available with few prerequisites accompaniments. First and foremost, there is beef – a mixture of sausages and bacon. The sausage is usually plain pork sausage, whereas the bacon can be streaky or backside bacon.

Next, we have cooked vegetables and legumes such as baked beans and tomatoes. The balance of sugariness and sourness in the tomatoes adequately balances out the taste of the meal. Finally, we have a crunchy piece of fried bread and two fried eggs to blend the whole meal.

Together with this energetic breakfast, you should have a cup of tea, ketchup, and a pleasant fruit jam. As an option, you can add items like black pudding, and mushrooms to the fry, as per your taste as well as local preferences.

Even though this is customarily a breakfast meal, English breakfast is an energetic and sufficient dish to give out as a mid-day meal. Check out similar articles.

English Breakfast SOP | Servings For Two

An appropriate sauté is an exceptionally personal issue, so feel free to substitute in and out on what you prefer.


  • An image of English breakfast sop4 sausages
  • 4-6 rashers of bacon
  • 4 flat mushrooms
  • 2-4 ripe tomatoes
  • two thick slices of black pudding
  • 2 large egg
  • two Pcs of bread

English Breakfast SOP | Method

  • Heat the grill, and brush over lightly with cooking oil.
  • Put the sausages on the hot grill plate and allow to slowly cooking for 15-20 minutes. Turn occasionally, until golden.
  • After the first 10 minutes, raise the heat to medium-high before you start cooking the other ingredients. In case you don’t have enough space, cook the sausages completely and keep them hot in the oven.
  • Slice small cuts into the fatty edge of the bacon. Put the bacon straight onto the grill plate and fry for 2-4 until your ideal crispiness is attained. Similar to the sausages, keep the cooked bacon hot in the oven.
  • Remove any dirt from mushrooms using a pastry brush and trim the stalk level with the mushroom top. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle over small amounts of olive oil. Put stalk-side up on the grill plate and cook for 1-2 minutes. Turn and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Limit the movement of mushrooms while cooking, as it releases the natural juices; hence, making them soggy.
  • Cut tomatoes in half lengthways if using plum tomatoes. Remove the green eye using a sharp knife. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with a small amount of olive oil. Put cut-side down on the grill plate and cook without moving it for 2 minutes. Tenderly turn over and season again. Cook for another 2-3 minutes until tender but still has their shape.


  • Slice the black pudding and remove the skin and grill it for two minutes. Turn evenly until done.
  • For proper fried bread it’s recommended to cook it in a different pan. Heat the oil in the frying pan, add bread and cook for three minutes until crispy and golden. In case the pain becomes too dehydrated, add more oil. To attain rich flavor, add some butter after turning the slice.
  • Break the egg directly into the pan with the fried bread and leave for 30 seconds. Add a good some butter and evenly baste the egg with melted butter. Cook to your ideal degree, season, and lightly take out with a fish slice.
  • Once cooked, serve on warm plates and enjoy your dish with an excellent squeeze of tomato ketchup.

English Breakfast SOP | Tips

  • For the most excellent English breakfast, at all times purchase sausages that have high meat content.
  • For the bacon, select between back or streaky, smoked or unsmoked bacon. In general, dry-cured bacon produces the best flavor.

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